Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I know I still have all of my beach pictures to post, but during my free time I've been working on some side photography projects. I know my mom and Kelly are waiting for me to post the beach pictures to my flickr site... I'm sorry, I am trying to get to that tonight when she goes to bed.

I'm starting a photography blog soon, too. I have had some "clients" (including my first non-relatives/non-friends!) and more to come this month! So, my extra computer/photo time has been spent on other people's pictures.

I took some photos of my patriotic girl this week to test out my new gray background and decide which outfit she should wear today (we went with the second one).

This morning we took her to her first Fourth of July parade in our town with our friends who have kids, and tonight we have a concert and fireworks in the park next to our neighborhood.

Happy 4th of July!


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